June 27, 2012

Pinteterest Test - Fail

So by now everyone has heard of Pinterest.  If you haven't, consider yourself warned...it's addicting! I was very reluctant to go on it for a long time, but when I needed somewhere to store all my ideas for a party I was planning, I singed up.  I have been very disciplined about using it - you know, making sure I don't just 'pin' things to pin them and actually using or doing them, but I'll admit, there are too many great ideas to not pin them.

On that note, I have decided to blog about the ideas I pinned and actually did, then let you know how they turned out.  I will call it the 'Pinterest Test'.

The first what Yogurt Covered Blueberries. I found the recipe Here. They looked delicious and they seemed to be something that my daughter would eat, so here we go....

I washed the blueberries (I actually had more in the bowl, but remembered to take a picture after I had already made a bunch...oops!)

I didn't have the honey flavored Greek yogurt, so I added my own honey, pretty much to taste.

I dipped the blueberries in the yogurt mixture using toothpicks to bring move them around and remove them from the bowl. Tip: the toothpicks actually work better then the spoon! 

Then I placed them on parchment paper, which was already on a plate. Finally, I put then in the freezer for about 30 minutes and they were ready! 

 Now to the reason this one was a 'Fail':

#1 - You have to keep them in the freezer at all times (they melt in the refigerator). So because of that, the blueberries are always frozen and the consistency is not all that appetizing to me.

#2 - The combination on Greek yogurt and blueberries are not tasty at all. The Greek yogurt is too bitter. My daughter would not eat them because of that and I wasn't all that thrilled with them either. Maybe I was expecting the yogurt to taste more like the yogurt covered raisins, even though I was using Greek yogurt?

Sadly, they just sit in the freezer in a baggie :(  I hoping my husband will get curious and try one. He usually likes things like that, so they may not go to waste, we'll see!

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